Blogger's Contest 1

Get a chance to win your own customized bracelet
from TinyPinkBow!

Winners will get:
2 bead straps,
1 chain strap,
5 assorted charms of your choice,
plus surprise gift (makeup/nail related)

Step 1 Email us the following: (
Full name:
Contact number:
Website/Blog url:
Facebook account:
Twitter account:
Step 2 Follow us on twitter @imisskatv and retweet this: 
If you're chosen during the draw and you're not following @imisskatv, your entry will not be valid and we'll choose another winner.

Step 3 Add us on Facebook (here).

Step 4 Make a blog post about our shop or about our products. We will be sending you our logo and some of our product photos that are required for the blog entry after you sent out STEP1.
You will also receive a 10% off coupon banner code from us.
We will pick (2) winners with the best blog entry.(Philippine Residents only)
Contest ends September 10, 2011.ENTRIES: